Not all legal matters require a good lawyer. For instance, if you’re fighting a speeding ticket, you may only need to appear before the court magistrate and plead your case or explain the circumstances that led to the writing of the ticket. However, if you are a defendant in a criminal case, you will want a good lawyer. Here’s why.
The man explains something in court

The  Case Involves A Specific Area of Law

There are many specialty areas of law practice including tax law, real estate law, personal injury, family law, business law, and our specialty at the Law Office of Patrick Conway – criminal law. If you have an upcoming case, it is critical that you seek the counsel of an experienced professional in the area of law that your case pertains to. 

Having an experienced criminal lawyer can mean a world of difference in the strength and viability of your court case. Someone who understands the law and the facts of the case can help you in your successful defense. 

There’s Lots of Paperwork 

Many criminal cases involve paperwork that needs to be filed in a timely manner. These documents usually have specific deadlines and procedures that need to be followed. Hiring an experienced lawyer in the area of law you need will have vast experience with all the paperwork, where it needs to be filed and when the deadlines are. 

Access to Expert Testimony 

Criminal attorneys often have access to expert witnesses that may need to testify on your behalf. Making those connections without an experienced and professional legal counsel can be nearly impossible. 
Court Building and the flag

Your Case Is Going To Trial 

If your criminal case is headed to trial, you will want an experienced attorney in your corner who is there to look out for your best interests. Representing yourself – pro se representation – is never recommended especially when the consequences include the possibility of jail time. Even lawyers tend to NOT represent themselves in criminal cases and have a practicing attorney represent them. 

Your Case Depends on Understanding the Evidence 

In criminal cases, it can be difficult to understand the importance of some evidence versus other pieces of evidence. A criminal defense attorney not only knows the law but also how the evidence in your specific case can be used to support your side of the argument. Criminal defense attorneys are experienced at laying out a case and using the evidence to support your claim of lack of guilt. 

Your Case Has Flaws 

Not every criminal court case is open and shut. Life gets messy and there may be circumstances that a defendant has to explain during a court case. If your legal defense has some flaws you will need a good lawyer to explain your side of the argument and get you the best results possible. 

If you need legal counsel please contact us at the Law Office of Patrick Conway in Salem, Massachusetts.